Where do we go from here?

Stephen and Albert are finally walking on a path together today…..perhaps talking about the metaphysical forces of Chaos and Uncertainty, and what it means for the future of humanity and the universe.  Perhaps they are also talking about the instability in our country right now.  Doesn’t it seem that Chaos has taken over our lives?  Hawking would smile that famous crooked smile at this question, while Einstein would search knowlingly for the next mysterious crossroad.

Every day is filled with infinite amounts of information strung together in tweets, posts, newscasts, blogs, and endless other forms of communication.  We are barraged with graphic images that burrow deeply into our conscious unconscious and we ask ourselves …are we really in control of our own thoughts?  Can we control our lives, our country?  Can we even dare to dream and believe we can achieve our dreams when faced with the suffering and loss constantly streaming through us?

The anxiety people are feeling is palpable and there is a sadness from the sense that we have lost our internal sense of direction. Where …..and how…do we go from here?

Hawking would pause on the path, delighting in simple act of strolling and thinking at the same time, and then looking right and left, he would say, “ I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.” Einstein, with wild frizz blowing around a pensive smile would reply, “I never think of the future, it comes soon enough.”

Despite the chaos swirling before them, Albert and Stephen never stopped questioning and searching for truth. Be one of the few who “see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

Listen to Stephen as he now strolls freely along the path with his most esteemed friend…..even though they are almost never in agreement…”it matters if you don’t give up.”